"Methods to double the quality of your sleep" 🌙✨

Treat going to bed as a form of healing. 💤🌟

For many people, the morning is like a series of challenges to have a wonderful day, from waking up, personal hygiene, preparing meals, checking work... All are squeezed into a scant one to two hours. If in that morning there arises any unexpected issues such as your phone not being fully charged, the alarm not going off, or simply wanting to sleep for another five minutes, boom! Your morning is ruined. And if you stayed up late the night before, starting a new day can be really terrible. But isn't that why you're here? A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step, and it's not too late for us to start. Let's explore some solutions to "rescue" your sleep together.

The consequences of sleep deprivation

"Lack of sleep can lead to many serious health issues, including obesity, diabetes, heart disease, and stroke." - The Institute of Medicine (IOM) USA
A poor night's sleep can lead to a plethora of unpredictable consequences such as difficulty concentrating, feeling sluggish, decreased work efficiency, irritability and even various negative emotions. Not to mention, lack of sleep can increase the likelihood of illness and weight gain... Prolonged severe sleep deprivation can also cause a "short-term memory" condition where you forget recent events. During sleep, the brain processes the day's events, and without adequate sleep, this process is impaired, leading to increased sluggishness.

Some Solutions

Here, I won't guide you on how to sleep less but still feel alert the next day. That's really impractical. It's like doing one thing but expecting ten in return, illogical, right? Instead, I'll provide solutions for quality sleep, which includes a sufficient deep sleep duration (usually 7-8 hours) for the brain to recover its basic functions. What do you say? Homework and family time mean you can't sleep early? The key point is to get a full 7-8 hours of sleep. Adequate sleep has a myriad of benefits for work, improving productivity in learning, jobs, health... Would you choose to be a zombie in the morning, then rely on caffeine to stay awake at night while telling yourself you're doing it for study's sake? I think you shouldn't overwork yourself, even when exams are nearby, as spreading out your learning is always better than cramming.
"Ngủ ít đi để làm việc hiệu quả hơn là điều không thê"
"Sleeping less to be more efficient is impossible."

I will list below some methods to get better sleep:

- Limit blue light exposure 30 minutes before bedtime: simply turn off your computer and other devices before going to sleep. Instead, maintain a habit of reading a relaxing book rather than using your phone.
- If you have difficulty sleeping, try using Pink Noise (sounds of rain, waves, soft music...) when sleeping. Before turning off your devices, play these sounds quietly through wireless earbuds as you fall asleep. The effectiveness will become apparent if you maintain this routine for several weeks.
- Schedule your sleep time; find and adhere to a consistent time that suits your daily schedule to avoid erratic sleep patterns and the temptation to oversleep on weekends, which can affect your health and alertness.
- Reserve your sleeping area solely for sleep; don't bring laptops, food, or gadgets to bed. Ideally, the bed should only be associated with sleep and nothing else.
- Always prepare for sleep by avoiding caffeine 7 hours before bed, as it inhibits Adenosine, a neurotransmitter that induces sleepiness, making it harder to fall asleep.

Above are ways to improve your sleep. As a student dealing with deadlines or cramming before exams, it can disrupt your sleep and reduce daytime efficiency. Respect your health; a healthy body fosters a strong mind. Start by going to bed earlier, reading a few pages of a book, and disconnecting from electronics before bedtime. If you have a lot of tasks or looming deadlines, handle them before sleeping. A trick I often use is to go to bed very early and wake up earlier than usual to tackle tasks. I also apply this approach when preparing for big exams.

"Sleep is the key to a healthy and happy life. Prioritize your sleep, and you'll notice the difference."
"Hãy coi việc đi ngủ là một cách healing"

Finally, give utmost priority to your sleep, shun bad habits, and gradually you will master control over your sleep.

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